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Welcome to

“Faith & Obedience”

Welcome to, where foundational Torah teaching intersects with faith-based dedication. Our mission is simple yet profound: to guide you on a journey of learning and growth in Torah while empowering you to walk in the footsteps of יהושׁוּע Yahûshûa HaMashiach, adhering to the covenant and its commandments. We hold firmly to the Gospel of the Kingdom, emphasizing redemption, salvation, and restoration.

Here, we believe in action beyond mere words. Faith without action, works, and obedience is lifeless. With a sense of urgency and compassion, we strive to serve those in need. Our teachings are rooted in the ancient wisdom of the Torah, providing practical insights and spiritual nourishment for your daily life. To walk as the Messiah walked.

As believers, we are all grafted into Israel. Scattered among the gentiles, we have adopted gentile ways. Now is the time to come out of "Her," my people. Awaken, arise, and shine. Walk in the commandments of the Covenant as the Messiah did, holding steadfastly by faith to His testimony and the work He accomplished on the execution stake.

Whether you are new and seeking a deeper understanding of scripture, looking for a community of like-minded individuals, or searching for practical ways to live out your faith, Ephraim's Cry welcomes you with open arms. Join us as we journey together, learning, growing, and serving in the footsteps of יהושׁוּע Yahûshûa HaMashiach.


“True Repentance is required”

Yahûshûa (Jesus) did NOT hang out with others living in blatant sin to make them feel good about their sin. 
He called them to REPENTANCE. He did NOT AFFIRM them in their sin. 

To love like Jesus (Yahushua) means we call others to repent. Repentance means to turn from the sin (transgression of Yah's instructions/commandments/LAW) and to actually follow Yahûshûa and walk as He walked. He was PERFECT and NEVER sinned. We, as believers, should be very careful in how we interact with those living in sin. Period. Pleasing our Father in Heaven should take precedence over placating the feelings of others. 

To love God means to tell others the truth. It doesn't mean having a party with them. Only those that are in the fatih are family.

Repentance requires:

• CONTRITION or sorrow for sin. This can be obtained only at the foot of the Cross. ...
• CONFESSION of all known sin. This involves a careful examination of our conscience. ...
• SANCTIFICATION & AMENDMENT OF LIFE. We must intend to lead a new or better life.


My Message

“walk as Messiah walked”
“walk as Yahûshûa HaMashiach walked”

Our message is simple:  “walk as Messiah walked” Emphasizing the importance of following the example of Yahûshûa HaMashiach by adhering to the instructions of the covenant and practices that HE observed and taught.

To guard and walk in the commandments of the covenant, holding fast by faith to the testimony of Yahûshûa HaMashiach.  And teach others to do the same.

The key points are:

  • Obedience to Commandments: 1 John 2:3-6 highlights that truly knowing Yahûshûa is demonstrated through keeping his commandments. The text argues that failure to do so is indicative of not possessing the truth.

  • Yahûshûa’s Example: Yahûshûa is presented the model who strictly followed the commandments set forth in the Torah, including observing the Sabbath from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown, and keeping the appointed feasts and holy days. By walking in the commandments of the Covenant.

  • Teachings of Yahûshûa: He preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven, emphasizing repentance and the importance of returning to the observance of the Torah’s instructions.

  • Call to Emulate Yahûshûa: To encourages followers to walk as Yahûshûa did, viewing him as the goal & standard, the example to emulate in terms of obedience and practice.  WDYD What did Yahûshûa Do?  Do that!

  • Consistency Among the Apostles and Paul: It is noted that the Apostles, including Paul, also kept the Sabbath, observed the feasts, and followed the commandments in a manner consistent with the example set by Yahûshûa. They too are presented as models who taught others to follow these practices.

The overarching message is a call to Repentance and to live in accordance with the practices of Yahûshûa and his earliest followers, teaching that this is the true path to knowing and following him. I challenge people to examine their own lives to see if they align with these teachings and practices.

My Story

I started coming out of the "church" in the 1997 but it was a journey.

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